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Guided Trek & Yoga near Murphys, CA


0830-0845 Meet at trailhead near Murphys, CA
0900 Introductions and Safety Talk
0915 Hike ~ 2 miles to swimming role and rock slides
1030 Guided Breathwork and Meditation with Mama Nature & Jamee
1245 Journey back to trailhead ~ 2 miles
1330 Meet for Lunch and Libations in Murphys and explore historic downtown

Reserve your ticket below.

Ticket includes:

  • Trek Nectar guided group adventure to secret swimming hole, use of floating devices

  • Guided breath & meditation session

  • Earth-based snack & gift

  • Group Appetizer during lunch

  • Extra water, medical kit, electrolytes, if needed.

  • Exclusive offer on Trek Nectar Yoga Mat and Canvas Bag at checkout for your adventure!

You will receive details of hike location, parking information, day packing list, map and post-trek lunch and libations information in separate email. Ticket does not include main entree and beverages or parking fees.

*We respect Mama Earth, local people of this region, and conservation efforts. As such, Trek Nectar aspires to keep guided group treks intimate and gentle on the ecosystem.

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