fernweh/ˈfɛʁnveː/ German noun

“deep longing for travel, an ache for distant places, farsickness”

Travel Journal & Blog

travel, healing, yoga, exploration Jamee travel, healing, yoga, exploration Jamee

Embracing the Journey

As an avid traveler, devoted yogi, and advocate for holistic wellness, my journey, like many others, began with hardship. I embarked on my first adventure with military foreign language studies in the Middle East and North Africa. This opened the doors to a world of exploration, inquisition, and transformation. Through my adventures, I have been challenged, humbled, and inspired by the world around me. With yoga, I have found life to be a synergistic journey of both the somatic and ethereal. My story is a pursuit and discovery of a sustainable and holistic lifestyle.

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Jamee Jamee

Everything is a Sign When You are Lost

Angel numbers. A river that leads up the valley. Aligned moments that can only be explained as serendipitous. They are all signs. Wait, but are they? Or are you reading them backwards, upside-down or getting a little cocky with your interpretations of the Universe.

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Jamee Jamee

The sexy swimming hole of Sorrento, Bagni della Regina Giovanna

Bagni della Regina Giovanna, or the Baths of Queen Giovanna is a hidden gem and local treasure located on the tip of Cape Sorrento. According to legend, the Queen spent much of her time at these baths where she and her ladies-in-waiting waded around the waters with their various lovers.

Call it scandalous, call it sexy. Either way, the paradise remains.

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Jamee Jamee

You are safe. You are home.

I am reminded that sometimes a home is not a place, but a space in our heart that feels nurtured, alive and safe to grow. It is something that we can cultivate alone, but can also thrive in, if supported and encouraged by the loving tenderness of others. We can create a home anywhere we want, but we need to feel safe to do so, or we are only creating a fortress that you must retreat from.

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Jamee Jamee

Tulips, Change & Emotional Accountability

As we continue to learn and understand the divine nature of change, it becomes easier to greet it with honor, surrender to it, and even partner with it as we continue down our path. It is through the power of our thoughts, that we have the ability to influence the world and do our part in this synergistic cycle of the Universe. 🌱

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Jamee Jamee

Finding Balance in a “Man’s Gym Time” World

As an avid health enthusiast, I have faced many obstacles maintaining a fitness regime during my travels. From the Middle East to Africa to South America, I have learned the importance of balancing health with self-grace. With some extra planning and creativity, there are many ways to find movement in a foreign country. Below, I will share some personal experiences and tips to inspire your wellness-filled adventures.

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Jamee Jamee

Paris, Perspective and Pov

To be quite honest, there really isn’t a word to describe moments like these. A feeling of pure bliss, but also excitement and extraordinary peace. A feeling I have only felt while traveling, wandering, knowing I am walking my divine path. A moment of complete perspective shift, imparted by seeing the world from multiple angles.

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Jamee Jamee

What You Need to Know Before You Learn Arabic Abroad

My experiences in Jordan and Morocco were unique of each other but provided many life-lessons to which I can attribute my own growth. Learning Arabic abroad is a challenging and rewarding experience filled with cultural and linguistic lessons around every corner.

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Jamee Jamee

Trekking in Army Boots: In Conversation with Jamee

Interview by Sharon Zelnick

Life is always a balancing act, but it is even more so for people with more than one career. Jamee Wohle treks, works in the US Army National Guard, and is a writer. As a Guardsmen for the US Army, Jamee has also been able to pursue her passion for traveling and writing. Jamee’s journey hasn’t been a walk in the park though. She spoke to us about the gender inequalities she’s faced, and we think her insights are truly interesting and helpful for other women travelers.

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Jamee Jamee

Living in a Man's World: Women of Saudi Arabia and the U.S. Military

The role of women in society, or lack thereof, has become progressively more prominent in numerous communities throughout the world. Traditions and cultural conventions are on the hot seat for questionings as modernity takes a toll on such dictates of conscience. Be that as it may, even the most modern of countries deal with rape, sexual assault and other gender crimes.

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Jamee Jamee

Eco-Traveler meets Fitness: The Girl Who Runs the World

As a Boren Scholar, Kendall has been living in Amman, Jordan. With perseverance and pertinacity, Kendall has embarked on a foreign fitness journey that has not only come with physical challenges, but cultural, socio-economic and emotional challenges, as well.

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Jamee Jamee

Travel vs. Vacation: My Aspirations To Travel For a Living

After a beautiful 10 day expedition in Quintana Roo, Mexico which began in Cancún and ended in Cozumel (well, technically started and ended in Arizona), I realized that I had actually taken my boyfriend on a vacation we couldn’t afford, nor were prepared for.

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Jamee Jamee

3 Important Lessons: Camping up The Coast of California

With minimal money, two dogs and a tent, we were able to make it up the coast of California -- camping the entire way, even staying in a family member's backyard in LA. Below are some tips that we learned through trial and error and ballin’ on a budget!

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Jamee Jamee

Hit by a Motorcycle in Marrakech

For centuries, the idea that traveling is unsafe for women has been ingrained into societal beliefs, morals and religion. In many countries, there are laws that prohibit women from traveling without male accompaniment and/or permission.

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Jamee Jamee

Finding Salaam in Amman

At the young age of 18, I embarked on a journey to Amman, Jordan to study Arabic. Although I was in a very serious relationship (too serious, actually), I was ready to set off on my first international adventure. Looking back, I was subconsciously running away from my toxic relationship, but we’ll come back to that later.

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