fernweh/ˈfɛʁnveː/ German noun

“deep longing for travel, an ache for distant places, farsickness”

Travel Journal & Blog

travel, healing, yoga, exploration Jamee travel, healing, yoga, exploration Jamee

Embracing the Journey

As an avid traveler, devoted yogi, and advocate for holistic wellness, my journey, like many others, began with hardship. I embarked on my first adventure with military foreign language studies in the Middle East and North Africa. This opened the doors to a world of exploration, inquisition, and transformation. Through my adventures, I have been challenged, humbled, and inspired by the world around me. With yoga, I have found life to be a synergistic journey of both the somatic and ethereal. My story is a pursuit and discovery of a sustainable and holistic lifestyle.

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 Connect, grow, explore together. @TrekNectar

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