Tap Into Your Highest Potential

Work With US

Custom Training & Health Programming

Diet Culture x Weight Loss Fads x Body Shaming x Guilt

Our wellness philosophy is rooted in holistic methodologies, modern exercise science, and yogic tradition. You will be guided to explore and navigate your own, unique path to optimum health and wellbeing.


Your Guide, Jamee Treks

  • Holistic Health Practitioner + Trainer 
    • From Corporate Personal Training >> Holistic Wellness Guide

    • Eating Disorder Recovery Advocate

  • Ashtanga Yoga Teacher 
  • Meditation, Pranayama + Modern Breathwork Guide
  • Army Combat Fitness Test Instructor
    • 8 + years military service

  • NPC Wellness Bodybuilding Competitor
    • 3x NPC Figure Competitor

Let’s Talk About It

Free, 30-Minute Clarity Call

Take the first step towards your wellness journey with a complimentary 30-minute clarity call. During this session, we'll:

  • Discuss your health and lifestyle goals.

  • Identify current obstacles that may be hindering your progress.

  • Develop a personalized plan of action to help you achieve your objectives.

  • Discover if our approach aligns with your needs and if we are a great fit to work together.